
In order to help people meet any economic constraints or emergency fund needs during the 21-day nationwide lockdown to fight COVID-19, Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) recently introduced ‘pandemic advance facility’ to employees.
With this facility, members can withdraw up to 75 per cent of the amount or 3 months’ basic salary and dearness allowance, whichever is less.Who is eligible for the advance from EPF?Any member of EPF Scheme, 1952 with UAN (Universal Account Number) employed in any establishment or factory covered under EPF & MP Act, 1952.What is the new beneficial provision?It is to provide for a non-refundable advance from their EPF account to EPF members, employed in factory or establishment located in an area, which is declared to be affected by the outbreak of epidemic or pandemic by the Appropriate Govt.How much money can you get from your EPF account under this new provision?You can get non-refundable withdrawal to the extent of the basic wages and dearness allowances for three months or up to 75% of the amount standing to your credit in the EPF account, whichever is less. The amount standing to the credit in EPF includes employee’s share, employer’s share and interest thereupon. Since withdrawal is non-refundable, there is no requirement to refund the amount.Where and how can you can file online Claim:You can file online claim on the home page of website- www.epfindia.gov.in, under the TAB “COVID-19” on top right-hand corner, instructions for filing an online advance claim is hosted.
-Login to Member Interface of Unified Portal (https://unifiedportalmem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface)
-Go to Online Services>>Claim (Form-31,19,10C & 10D)
-Enter last 4 digits of your Bank Account and verify
Click on “Proceed for Online Claim”
-Select PF Advance (Form 31) from the drop down
-Select purpose as “Outbreak of pandemic (COVID-19)” from the drop down.
-Enter amount required and Upload scanned copy of cheque and enter your address
-Click on “Get Aadhaar OTP”
Enter the OTP received on Aadhaar linked mobile.
-Claim is submittedHow long will it take for credit of amount in the bank account after submission of claim?Claims for advance to fight COVID-19 pandemic are being processed on priority considering exigency of the situation.
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